Public wallets
Some public wallets to ensure the transparency of XTRUMP.
Transparency is crucially important for any crypto projects, including XTRUMP. XTRUMP holders and public viewers can check all of information about XTRUMP by using the following public wallet:
1. XTRUMP Issuer wallet
The wallet used to issue XTRUMP. This is also the wallet used to set trustline to XTRUMP.
2. XTRUMP Team wallet
The wallet to store the Team fund of 10% total supply (1B XTRUMP). The wallet will be locked until 90% of total supply are in circulation.
3. Operation Fund wallet
The wallet to store most of remaining XTRUMP used for giveaway, marketing and exchange listing purposes.
4. Staking funding
The wallet to store fund which will be used to sponsor staking pools of XTRUMP YieldHub. The funds are from dev's private funds and also services fee from XTRUMP services.
5. Dev salary wallets
Dev's wallets to receive monthly salary in XTRUMP. XTRUMP members are not restricted from selling their salary but have to comply with the XTRUMP Trading Policy.
6. Toolkit wallets
Wallets used by XTRUMP toolkits. XTRUMP toolkit is a collection of XRPL tools that are used to support XTRUMP services such as AirDrop tool, Transaction Analytical tool, or Trading Bot tool, etc. XTRUMP toolkit will be also subjected to public use, which will bring more cashflow to support XTRUMP's operational expenses.
During the development period of XTRUMP services, there will be many small transactions between Toolkit wallets and others to avoid potential technical issues when the services are launched.
7. Staking wallets
Wallets to store principle and reward tokens used in XTRUMP staking pools. During staking period, staking wallets will be completely locked until the first payment. During the payment period, the funds could be transfer to one of the public toolkit wallets to process the payments.
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