Service to organize betting events that could be used for giveaway, betting or combine purpose.
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Service to organize betting events that could be used for giveaway, betting or combine purpose.
Last updated
XTRUMP BET is quite similar to XTRUMP VOTE in the sense that the service can be used to run giveaway events. XTRUMP BET is distinguished from XTRUMP VOTE from several perspectives:
XTRUMP BET is designed to run the giveaway events in the form of betting. Most of the betting events will be about sport.
The BET pools could include tokens contributed by participants. The winning team will take the BET pool of the losing team.
The rewards will be delivered in one time, there is not staking-like process involved.
During the testing phase, only XTRUMP holders can join the XTRUMP betting events. Once the service is successfully tested, XTRUMP BET will be available for public users to organize similar events to give away their tokens to the holders or create funny betting activities.
Good to know: The details of XTRUMP BET will be available when the service is launched on XTRUMP's website.